Nashville 2017
– On the trails of Johnny Cash –
„I used to sing his songs at least a thousand times, but never truly understood the meaning of these lines” (extract from the song “His Hideaway”).That’s what I thought about Johnny Cash, before I started a USA tour for 4 weeks in summer 2016. I was booked as main act to reopen a little stage after 35 years. A stage that Johnny Cash used to own to present young and old musicians, beginners as well as professionals. This stage belongs to the “Storytellers Museum” and the “Hideaway Farm” in Bon Aqua, about one hour from Nashville, Tennessee. The farm was Johnny’s hideaway far from his musical career and all that trouble. It was a place where he could write his music in a beautiful environment. I’m so proud that I had the chance to become a little part of music history with this concert. I was invited to sing with Stan Perkins, the son of Carl Perkins the famous song “Blue Suede Shoes” as a duet and also the popular duet “Jackson” with Mark Alan Cash, the nephew of Johnny Cash.
That’s exactly one year ago, and the land of country music called me again this year. This summer I played a big concert at Johnny Cash’s “Hideaway Farm” and all the country music lovers welcomed me again with open arms. It was like coming home. These experiences I had on this farm are deep in my heart. Now I understand the magic around Johnny Cash. I spend lots of hours with Sally and Brian Oxley, the owners of the farm and the little stage and also with Johnny Cash’s family and they told me hundereds of stories about the “Man in Black”. He shared his whole life with the world through his music.